The piston ring elasticity of the cylinder piston rod can be
Published: 201905-11 Clicks: times

The cylinder piston (piston) rod has been understood (Find out) and its piston ring's elasticity can be divided into several types. Do you know that friends who want to know can learn together with Xiaobian. The piston rod of the cylinder has a piston rod at one end, and the air supply from the side of the piston generates air pressure, and the air pressure pushes the piston to generate a thrust and returns by the spring or the self weight. When the hollow piston rods have the same material and the cross-sectional area is equal, the hollow piston rod has stronger torsion resistance and can withstand large external moments. The hydraulic piston rod improves the surface corrosion resistance and can delay the generation or expansion of fatigue cracks, thereby improving the fatigue strength of the cylinder rod. The 45# piston rod connects the piston and the crosshead to transmit the force acting on the piston and drive the piston to move. The hydraulic piston rod cylinder, the piston rod (cylinder rod), the piston and the end cover are composed of several parts. The elastic force of the piston ring is generally divided into two types: tangential and radial elastic. In the production of the finished product, the elasticity of the product is mainly the width of the free opening, the hot gap of the opening is the height ratio of the ring, and the elastic force of the piston ring is very tight with the ring. The relationship, in the analysis of (Analyse) problem (Emerson) we can judge from the above three parameters (parameter), the data (data) difference is too large, indicating the piston ring's elastic drop (descend), if you can not see it In a simple way, for example, the old and the new overlap, the open end and the overlap point are in a 90-degree direction, and the force is used to measure the gap between the open ends. If the data is large, the elasticity is problematic. If there is a problem, replace the best used original product and avoid some other problems. The method of sealing the piston rod has always been a test of the idea, and the many ways to achieve the seal still require some experience to seal the oil and gas. That is to say, the sealing and sealing form of the piston rod, the sealing material, the pressure that the sealing can withstand, and the experience of use. This shows how the sealing of some piston rods is related to the pressure that can be withstood. The following pressure units are all MP and the sealing action can be applied to single or double action. O-ring: plus retaining ring ≤ 40U seal: ≤ 40 plus arc (interpretation: is an elegant line) retaining ring & 250; V-shaped seal: ≤ 60 star seal: add block Circle ≤80